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Vertigo Tarot

ass_tar_new1.jpg (30610 bytes)
ass_tar1.jpg (7000 bytes) ass_tar2.jpg (16437 bytes) ass_tar3.jpg (10333 bytes)

On the left, the 1st Ed box, in the middle the Reader's Guide , and on the right, the Cards themselves.
Top, the 2nd Ed.

Release Price: US$50.00 (1st Ed)
US$29.95 (2nd Ed)
Release Date: 1995 (1st Ed)
2001 (2nd Ed)
Current Value: US$200.00± (1st Ed)
US$30.00± (2nd Ed)

I read Tarot myself. I've worn my pack rather thin, and have bent one of the cards, so I'm glad that it's being re-released. I can't recommend this set highly enough, if you're a Reader. Even if you're not, the artwork is absolutely marvellous. You need this.

The Ist Ed's packaging is nice. The book is by Rachel Pollack, a Hardcover (given the price, I am uncertain if the 2nd Ed will contain a soft-cover, or omit the guide altogether), and the cards are not flimsy. The new set appear to be smaller, but it is hard to tell.

Rating: desire_sm.gif (779 bytes)desire_sm.gif (779 bytes)desire_sm.gif (779 bytes)desire_sm.gif (779 bytes)desire_sm.gif (779 bytes)

Death Ankh Ring (DC)

ass_ring2.jpg (2496 bytes)

Release Price:

Release Date: 2000
Current Value: US$100.00±

A sterling silver Death Ring, from DC Direct. Looks far too much like something that came out of a little plastic egg to be taken seriously...

Rating: desire_sm.gif (779 bytes)

Death Ankh Ring (Hot Topic)

ass_ring1.jpg (2595 bytes)

Release Price:

Release Date: 2001
Current Value: US$??.??±

Another little sterling silver Death Ring. With "DEATH" written on it so's you know it's a Death ring, and not some other different kind of  Ankh Ring. From the picture, if it didn't have "DEATH" written on it, it'd probably make a nice Ankh Ring.

Rating: desire_sm.gif (779 bytes)

Death Sticker (Hot Topic)

ass_stick2.jpg (3175 bytes)

Release Price:

Release Date: ????
Current Value: US$3.00±

Um. It's a Sticker. It looks from the picture like it might be translucent. I get the feeling DC were reaching for stuff they could stick the Death name on.

Rating: desire_sm.gif (779 bytes)

Dream Sticker (Hot Topic)

ass_stick1.jpg (9173 bytes)

Release Price:

Release Date: ????
Current Value: US$3.00±

Oh, goodie. Another Sticker. With a Quote. Yea-ha. Be the envy of your sticker-collecting buddies.

Rating: desire_sm.gif (779 bytes)

Death Removable Tattoos

ass_tat1.jpg (12676 bytes)

Release Price:

Release Date: ????
Current Value: US$??.??±

Oh, come on now, really. This one is beyond me. I've no idea how good these things are, by the way, but I do recall goth-girlies at the time being very taken by them.

Rating: desire_sm.gif (779 bytes)

Death's Ankh Pewter Prop

stat_ankh2.jpg (12605 bytes) stat_ankh1.jpg (18748 bytes)

On the left, the prop, on the right, the Box.

Release Price: US$89.95
Release Date: ????
Current Value: US$100.00±

Apparently, this is inscribed with Death's "You get what everyone gets.." phrase. It's apparently got stuff on both the front and the back. Many people have said bad things about DC for releasing what was seen as a particularly bad tie-in product. This was apparently another numbered limited series item. I've no idea of the count. It would have been fun if they'd released the complete set of "Endless Symbols", though.

Rating: desire_sm.gif (779 bytes)desire_sm.gif (779 bytes)

Death Dress (Hot Topic)

ass_dress.jpg (8718 bytes)

Release Price:

Release Date: ????
Current Value: US$??.??±

Some people have said how marvellous it was that this came out. Me, I'm waiting for the "Dress Up as Dream" outfit with the Black Shock-wig and stuffed Matthew the Raven shoulder-warmer. It'll be Big in Japan, mark my words...

Rating: desire_sm.gif (779 bytes)
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Death Prayer Candle (Hot Topic)

ass_deathc.jpg (13391 bytes)

Release Price:

Release Date: ????
Current Value: US$12.00±

Not much to say, really.

Rating: desire_sm.gif (779 bytes)

Dream Prayer Candle (Hot Topic)

ass_dreamc.jpg (10835 bytes)

Release Price:

Release Date: ????
Current Value: US$12.00±


Rating: desire_sm.gif (779 bytes)

Death Cloisonne Pin

ass_deathp.jpg (4495 bytes)

Release Price:

Release Date: 1996
Current Value: US$10.00±

Well, it isn't the crown jewels, but it is a nice little badge, and well worth having if you can find one .

Rating: desire_sm.gif (779 bytes)desire_sm.gif (779 bytes)

Dream Cloisonne Pin

ass_dreamp.jpg (4469 bytes)

Release Price:

Release Date: 1997
Current Value: US$10.00±

The companion pin to the one above. Not a bad pin, but not as nice as the Death one.

Rating: desire_sm.gif (779 bytes)

The Key to Hell Prop

stat_hellkey1.jpg (16131 bytes)

Release Price: US$??.??
Release Date: ????
Current Value: US$??.??±

Guess how much I know about this one. I'd love to get my hands on it, though. Wouldn't you?

Rating: desire_sm.gif (779 bytes)desire_sm.gif (779 bytes)desire_sm.gif (779 bytes)desire_sm.gif (779 bytes)desire_sm.gif (779 bytes)