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The (Unauthorised)
Illustrated Sandman Collectibles GuideWelcome.
This site is here because I tried to find such a thing as this, and could not. Obviously Universe wanted me to do it. Blame the Verb, I say.
Some of these things I list here I am fortunate enough to own, and some I do not. I do not have anything for sale. See the Links Page for handy hints.
You won't find T-Shirt listings here, nor Posters, nor Books (for now), because these things are covered well, elsewhere. But most everything else is here. Check the Links Page for other stuff.
I have tried to avoid merchandise from 'The Dreaming' series, but the bleedover between the two makes this difficult. Some things have snuck through. Sorry.
The prices I list are not warranted to actually relate to any actual prices you might actually see quoted or accepted anywhere in particular, insofar as they actually relate to any actual merchandise. But they seem to be fairly close to what I observe, so woodle woodle woodle right back at you.
(Of course, the question of prices will always be a vexed one. This guide lists rough market value. It is updated whenever. If you see something you cannot live without, have never seen before, and suspect you will never see again, but do not buy it because it is $5 over what you would have expected to pay based on some guide, I would respectfully suggest you get a life. This is also suggested if you have just paid quadroople listed price for some ultra-bronze thingy serial replica limited leather thing jacket thing because 'You'll never see it again'. Unless it was for charity. I'm sure Neil Gaiman would agree with me. Woodle woodle woodle.)
The Ratings system is pretty simple. Hearts are Desirable (of course), and the more there are, the more you will want whatever it is. Spiky Rings are Despairing, and the more there are, the more something sucks or has something wrong with it. Or most of all, could or should have been much much better, and wasn't. Of course, this is a subjective scale. Mine, in fact. Woodle woodle woodle, in the words of the 'droid.
If you would like to help me by telling me about something I have missed, and/or providing me with a picture of something, feel free to drop me a line. Or if there's something else you'd like to see listed, or some sort of vital stat you think I've left off of the item descriptions. Or if it's something I don't know yet (marked with a ?) I'd really really appreciate it. Or just say what you think of this site, and I might put all the letters up and be generally self-deprecating in response (That's official notification that I might publish your letter, in case you didn't realise).
(Hint to merchandise manufacturers/distributors: I have never refused
bribesgifts of collectable stuff I don't have, in order to get me to say good things about bad stuff. But that's only because it hasn't actually ever happened to me, nor is it likely to. If you'd like tobribe megive me a gift, email me, and I'll finally find out whether or not I have undiscovered moral fibre.)If you think this guide desperately needs to list and display the t-shirts and posters, again, better contact me. If enough people hassle me about it, I'll consider it. But see my note about the Card Series further down the page...
As the Death movie is being released sometime this century, no doubt there will be much more merchandise I will be unable to afford, let alone ever see out here at the bum-end of the world (Australia, where even Neils fear to tread). But I'm sure someone out there has all this shit, will get the shit they don't have yet, and will appreciate the opportunity to say 'yup, got all that'. So I'll keep an eye out.
I'm actually reticent to put up something which belongs here, that I was in fact planning to put up. The Card Series that Skybox put out. I've got images all lined up and ready to roll... but I've just got this feeling that even a very small selection might get serious suits talking to me. I'll have to think about it.
This site was originally a framesite, but as Freeservers behaves strangely when it comes to frames, I have rejigged it for flat-level access. I hope your viewing experience is a pleasurable one. Please note the emergency exits here, here and here.
This is a work in progress. Links are not guaranteed to lead anywhere in particular, and pages are not guaranteed to contain any actual content, nor to be particularly accurate. Woodle woodle woodle.
Another fine WebSite Design by DrJon
The Fine Print:
The Sandman, all related characters and their distinct likenesses are all © 2001
DC Comics blah blah
Don't use any of it to make money, because it would be immoral, and because their lawyers
are nasty and will use your pubic hair as a toilet brush without removing it first. But do
buy their comics. And buy other Neil Gaiman stuff as well. Actually, make sure you own all
the Neil Gaiman Sandman books, because it'd be pretty silly if you got interested in all
this glitzy facile crap without having read the actual books, which are tons better, and
look real purdy sitting on your shelf. Actually, it'd probably be some sort of moral
failing or mortal sin to not have read the Sandman books and to own any of the commercial
garbage I list, given how much some of this shit will set you back, compared with, say,
vaccinating or sponsoring a Third-World Child, or even helping fund orangutan or gorilla
or chimp or bonobo refuges, let alone any of the serious environmental problems the globe
faces. Go outside. Enjoy the fresh air, for gods sake, it's not going to be there forever,
not at the rate world's going. Write your representative and/or your senator and tell 'em
to support Kyoto. Enjoy the sun on your face (don't overdo it, melanoma is pretty yakful).
Go for a walk. Have a picnic with a friend. Have a picnic with a stranger. Plant a tree,
ride a bike, tell a stranger they look good. Keep on truckin'. Smile. Smile lots and lots.
Give out dollar bills on the street. Play Pooh Sticks. Live.
And don't come running to me with a broken leg.